State Property AR


State Property is installed over the US Supreme Court Building in Washington D.C. and numerous state legislature buildings to protest the emergent brutality leveled at over half of the population after the disgraced court overturned Roe v Wade. Barbaric state laws have since been proposed or passed across the country by Republican majority legislatures. We are now witnessing the beginning of these cruel externalities, including the criminalization of health care, of miscarriages, of health care providers, of safe medicine, and of pregnant citizens themselves. Forced birth is violent. Preventing access to contraception is their logical next move. 

State Property, an animated neon AR sculpture of a fractured uterus, refers to court-ordered, state-sanctioned intervention on surveilled bodies, making wombs public sites of legal and criminal action. Neon, often a language of cheap advertising, reflects the false promises of maternal support after, and now in some states, well before birth. State Property signals the dissolution of body sovereignty in America, of the individual's right to decide when and how reproduction occurs, and the mortal perils of denied reproductive freedom. The work also refers to a fracturing democracy, induced by redistricting, the erasure of voting rights, and a corruptly applied rule of law.

State Property was originally exhibited at in the 2022 UNPROTECTED exhibition. Special thanks to Caleb Craig and Shaking Earth Digital

Accessible via the free, 4th wall app

State Property, 2023, Georgia Capitol Building

State Property, 2023, Idaho State Capitol Building

State Property, 2023, Texas Supreme Court

State Property, 2023, North Carolina State Capitol Building

Please direct all inquires to: 
Jessy Arisohn, 291 Agency  




©2024 Nancy Baker Cahill Studio. All rights reserved.

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